Wild Canyoning in Nevidio

Wild Canyoning in Nevidio

Canyoning or canyoneering is an active and rather extreme type of sport and recreation that consists of walking through gorges and overcoming various obstacles such as waterfalls, cascades, natural pools, etc.

The canyoning course requires the mastery of different walking techniques and techniques to overcome the complex watery terrain in the mountains, such as: Climbing, descending and climbing on a rope, trekking through open mountain terrain, moving against or along the flow of water, slipping through narrow slots, jumping, swimming, etc. In addition, various means of swimming are not used when crossing gorges: Boats, rafts, canoes, kayaks, etc. - crossing is only possible with the help of the hands, feet, and head. Climbing equipment is used when crossing many gorges: Ropes, carabiners, safety harnesses, belay devices, helmets, etc. Depending on the air and water temperature, different clothes and shoes are used to ensure protection from cold water.

In simple terms, canyoning is a special kind of extreme and fascinating hike at the bottom of the gorges of mountain rivers. Canyons are ideal for this type of recreation (hence the name) - especially those located inside the rocks, with narrow slopes and many waterfalls.

There are 2 main types of canyon performances:

  • Technical canyoning - with the use of additional equipment;
  • Foot canyoning - without the use of special equipment.

The purest turquoise water of a mountain river, incredible waterfalls, narrow passages, vertical and endless rocks, different shapes of stone figures and sculptural walls formed by water over many years, a variety of plants and animals - all this make this sport and active recreation unique, attractive and interesting. Canyons can be very easy or extremely difficult to walk in, but the focus is usually on aesthetics, entertainment, and adventure when walking, rather than on the technical complexity of the route. Currently, canyoning is quite a popular leisure activity and the number of participants of all ages and levels of education is constantly increasing worldwide. Every day, the routes for crossing canyons are becoming more and more diverse, which is not only fun. Canyoning in mountain gorges with running water is particularly attractive, and there are many such places in Montenegro.

In Montenegro, a hiking form of canyoning has currently developed above all. However, it does not exclude special equipment. For canyoning on foot in Montenegro, you must also choose waterproof thermal clothing and special shoes that will protect you from cold water. One of these very interesting but rather difficult routes is a hike through the Nevidio Gorge.

Canyon Nevidio, or Nevidbog as it is called by the inhabitants of this region, is located in the central part of Montenegro, 5 km from the town of Savnik. Canyon Nevidio is part of the Mala Komarnica river, which runs at the foot of the southern part of the Durmitor Mountains in the Dobar Dol area. It rightly bears the name "Nevidio (Nevidbog) (literally: Never seen by God)" because the Komarnica River suddenly turns around and becomes literally invisible to the human eye. The Nevidio canyon is considered a unique landmark and can be found in all of Montenegro's travel guides.

The unique beauty of the mountain river, the various cascades, and the unique nature of Nevidio Canyon are good reasons to visit this incredible pearl of Montenegro. Despite the fact that this hike does not require any special physical preparation, walking the gorge without a guide is not recommended.

Walking the Nevidio Gorge is quite an extreme sport and active recreation in Montenegro, so tourists and locals who want to try it should be prepared for various difficulties and dangers. Moreover, one should not engage in canyoning alone, as it is extremely dangerous. In Nevidio Gorge, there may be places where it is not possible to go ashore without outside help or without special equipment and training, which means that you have to travel with someone. It is also a constant team effort as it is necessary to watch and insure each member of the group. If God forbid, even one person in your group suffers even a minor injury or damage, this will be a serious problem for the further movement of the whole group along the gorge.

Canyoning in the Nevidio Gorge involves sports such as jumping, swimming, climbing, and abseiling. For these reasons, it is extremely important to move along the gorge in the company of an experienced and knowledgeable instructor who has done the route more than once and knows well both the local climatic conditions and the technical side of the route. The width of the gorge is less than one meter in some places, and some parts of the gorge can only be accessed with climbing equipment.

The gorge passes through Boljske grade (2,091 meters above sea level) and Lojanik (2,091 meters above sea level). At the very end of the valley, the Nevidio canyon begins. It is worth mentioning that the entrance to the canyon is one of the most beautiful places in Durmitor National Park. The beauty of this place is complemented by the village of Poščenje with two breathtaking ice lakes and the 70-meter-high Skakavica waterfall, which spreads the waters of the Grabovica River, which in turn flows into the Komarnica River.

Until recently, the Nevideo Gorge was practically inaccessible, and for a long time, it only attracted a lot of attention and curiosity from locals and tourists who wanted to conquer it. In 1957 and 1964, several serious organized attempts were made to learn about and explore the gorge, but they were unsuccessful. Gradually, strange and fantastic stories about the last unconquered gorge in Europe began to appear. This was the case until August 1965. At that time, members of the P.S.D. Javorak club from the town of Niksic (Montenegro), despite the poor equipment, passed through the gorge and presented to the world for the first time the wild, unusual, and breathtaking beauty of these places, to which man is not accustomed and which still amazes him today ...

Most of the canyon is in eternal shadow because the sun's rays cannot reach the bottom due to the huge vertical rocks. On the steep and hard-to-reach rocks, conditions are quite difficult for the vegetation that still exists here. Therefore, Nevidio Gorge can rightly be called a pearl of Montenegrin nature, which is paradise and hell at the same time.

The Nevidio Gorge tour consists of:

  • Canyoning training
  • The canyoning of the gorge
  • Completion of the canyoning and return to the ethno-village
  • Lunch
  • Gift surprise

Cost: 100 euros

With our instructors and guides, your hike through Canyon Nevideo will be safe, interesting, and unforgettable!